An epic quote - I wonder what "laughing in CUDA" would be like...

"At this point, I can totally picture Jensen sitting on his monocrystalline silicon throne, while sipping GPU juice from a litographed cup, reading the AI Index 2024 and laughing in CUDA while a line of trucks fill his castle’s moat with sharp diamonds💎."

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Got this from ChatGPT:

int main() {

// Launch the kernel with enough blocks and threads to generate a good laugh

int numBlocks = 5; // Number of blocks

int threadsPerBlock = 10; // Number of threads per block

printf("Starting CUDA laughter:\n");

laughInCUDA<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>();

cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // Ensure all printf calls are done before exiting

printf("\nLaughter ends.\n");

return 0;


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This seems an accurate depiction of a multi-core laugh indeed hahahah

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